How to create stunning, cinematic drone video.
Cinematic drone videos are a powerful tool for businesses looking to showcase their products, services, and locations in a visually...
Cinematic drone videos are a powerful tool for businesses looking to showcase their products, services, and locations in a visually...
I'll never forget the first time -- because there's certainly been plenty -- that an editor was very displeased with a story I submitted....
Sometimes when you look at a picture that blows your mind, it takes a bit to figure out what captures your attention. Is it the subjects?...
As someone who works in the business of talking in front of cameras and into microphones - many times with large audiences - I get asked...
I've been obsessed with sports since I can remember. It began with an athletic *prowess* (and by *prowess* I mean I peaked in college...
Did you know: The average recommendation for a standard business video is two minutes or less. There, that answers your Google question....
Starting your own business and trying to succeed in a world of successful and determined entrepreneurs is often a daunting task. There’s...
It’s really not that hard to tell when there’s been little to no effort put into visual content - and you don’t even have to work in the...
Search. Engine. Optimization; otherwise known as trying to school the Google algorithm. How do you show up on the first page of Google?...
There's little that scares us more than the unknown. The uncomfortable. The new. It's human nature to find your comfort zone and do your...
When I was in high school I participated in theater. When it comes to perfecting the art of speaking, as far as acting is concerned, they...
We've preached the importance of good storytelling (and honestly, we can't emphasize that enough. After all, it's an area all three of us...
Podcasting is how new voice studios started. Our little Bardown Beauties venture that started at my kitchen table has grown into an...
You’ve heard of writer’s block, right? Well let me tell you, it is very real. In fact, in an even broader scope, the entire idea of a...
Who, what, why, where, when and how: those are the basic questions journalists are taught to ask subjects when reporting. While those are...
There are very few things in the world that can clearly and effectively evoke an emotion like video can. That's why I love it. It's why I...
Social media gets a bad rap--for good reason sometimes, too. Between the negativity, the constant changing of platforms, and the general...
How do you consume media? Is it visually through photos or video? Is it audio focused with podcasts and radio talk shows? maybe you...
"Networking is a dirty word to me. It is a frame of mind that I absolutely despise and feel like it accomplishes very little. It usually...
Impact. That is the very essence of leading a message with good visuals. A single photo, or even the very first shot in a video can hook...